

The Pre-Kindergarten program at CREC provides a safe, nurturing, and rigorous learning environment that promotes independence, develops cognitive skills, and fosters the development of the whole child.

In the first year of Pre-Kindergarten, students are learning...

In the second year of Pre-Kindergarten students are learning...


-To demonstrate a sense of self

and learn how to participate in a school community 

-To follow daily routines with reminders and adapt to everyday circumstances, with adult support as needed

-to interact with familiar adults, using them to help adjust to new situations and people

-To communicate their feelings and emotions using appropriate language or gestures

-to interact with their peers on common goals

-To develop a sense of self and a sense of being a part of a group

-How to self-soothe across many situational changes and daily routines

-To discuss emotions and learn to identify them

-To seek help from familiar adults and use them as a resource

-How to collaborate with peers in coordinated interactions


-How to count to 10

-How to count up to 5 objects

-To recognize and compare sets of objects using matching or counting strategies

-To compare objects by size using words like longer, shorter, taller, and heavier

-To identify shapes 

-How to count to 20

-How to count up to 10 objects -Beginning number operations (addition and subtraction) and decomposing (e.g., 5 is 1 and 4 or 2 and 3)

-To compare/describe  the size of objects based on measurement strategies

-To name solid or 3 dimensional shapes (e.g., saying “sphere” and/or “looks like a ball”)


-Problem solving strategies

-To show interest in new activities

-To identify similarities and differences among objects

-To represent people, places and things 

--To use patterns, similarities and differences to solve problems 

-To express interest in topics over time and actively explore new topics

-To focus attention and plan/carry out multi-steps tasks over time           

-To use more complex representations of people, places and things 

Language and Literacy

-To communicate with longer sentences and more detail

-To develop an interest and engagement in books

-To recognize that print is used to represent ideas and words 

-To recognize similar sounds in words

-How to draw and write with a purpose

-How to follow multi-step directions

-How to participate in conversations with classmates  and teachers

-To understand and respond to stories

-To identify some familiar letters, letter sounds, words and print concepts

-To rhyme and distinguish sounds in words

Creative Arts

-To develop an interest in and respond to various music, art, dance, dramatic play and sensory experiences 

-To begin to initiate and create these experiences (with some adult assistance as needed)

-To continue to initiate and create music, art, dance, dramatic play  and sensory experiences and use the arts to represent familiar experiences, people or objects


-To manage basic health and self-care routines with some adult assistance

-To demonstrate basic coordination in mobility and movement

-To use smaller objects with more precision

-To manages basic health and self-care routines without adult assistance

-To coordinates several gross motor movements

-To use coordinated movements when manipulating objects


-To ask questions about things that we observe in the world around us

-To make observations and predictions about the world around us

Social Studies

-To Identify and communicate about themselves, their family and their communities

-To understand roles and shared responsibilities

-To understand that there are differences among people, families cultures and communities

 -That people have a responsibility to take care of home, classroom and community  environments 

-To become aware of the tools and technologies associated with a variety of roles and jobs

Helping your child learn outside of school: 

  • Encourage your child to be independent (i.e., dress independently, practice zippers and buttons, blow his/her own nose, use the toilet unassisted, follow a set routine at home)
  • Listen to stories everyday! Have a conversation with your child about the books that you read
  • Count everything!
  • Sort everyday objects - toys, laundry, groceries, etc.
  • Practice rhyming (singing silly songs, noticing rhymes in books, etc)
  • Expose your child to social experiences by attending a playgroup, the library, a museum, music/art/gym
  • Build, construct, paint, and draw
  • Engage in pretend play 
  • Sing and respond to music

Pyramid Model Resources - This monthly newsletter focuses on social emotional learning and development.  It’s full of helpful tips and resources for both providers and families.  

Websites for Students

Websites for Parents

Additional Resources for Parents

CT Early Childhood Action Guides CT Early Childhood Standards for Families

For more information, please contact the Pre-Kindergarten Instructional Coach, Janine Chapdelaine, at [email protected].

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