Gender Support

Aligning with CREC’s statement of Diversity and Inclusion, “...While at CREC Magnet Schools, staff and students commit to affirm and honor the lived experiences of others…,” CREC schools and programs have the goal of creating and sustaining safe, inclusive, respectful, and healthful environments for all students. 


  • CREC staff honor and affirm students' requests to use names and pronouns that correspond with the student's identity and expression. 

  • CREC Schools treat students according to their gender identity and expression, including when accessing restroom and locker room facilities. 

If you need help ensuring your chosen name and gender are recognized and respected at school, please speak with a trusted staff member. CREC works closely with students and families to ensure schools create a safe and supportive environment for students experiencing gender transition. 

CREC Gender Support Plans

Modeled after Gender Spectrum's Gender Support Plan, the CREC Gender Support Plan is designed to create a shared understanding between students, parents/guardians, and school staff of how the student’s gender-related needs will be accounted for at school. It has been adapted to fit the needs of CREC schools and systems.

CREC Gender Support Plan - Student Version


The Trevor Project - Reach a Counselor 24/7
"Here you can reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else." - The Trevor Project

GLAD Rights of LGBTQ Youth in Connecticut (September 2018)
What are my rights as a public school student? As a student in foster care?  Additional legal resources and mental health resources, plus ways to contact youth groups

GLAD Want to Know Your Rights as an LGBTQ Student?

Rights of public and private school students inside and outside of school, plus steps to take if you are being bullied or harassed

Gender Spectrum
"Gender Spectrum’s mission is to create a gender-inclusive world for all children and youth. To accomplish this, we help families, organizations, and institutions increase their understanding of gender and consider the implications that evolving views have for each of us." - Gender Spectrum

GLSEN Supporting Trans and GNC Students
Think of this source like a link tree. It has so many links and resources that it is a good starting place for anyone who wants to learn more about Trans issues and is willing to take the time to dive in.

Human Rights Campaign Advice for Transgender and Non-Binary Students Heading Back to School

Advice on a range of school related topics from other TGNC people and HRC staff members.

Students - Know Your Rights, ACLU and GLSEN

Human Rights Campaign, A Parent's Quick Guide For In-School Transitions: Empowering Families and Schools to Support Transgender and Non-Binary Students

Q Plus - Uplifting and Empowering LGBTQ+ Youth
"We work to create more youth accessible spaces, uplift youth voices, and empower queer youth. Our overall goal is to create space for queer youth to be authentically and entirely themselves." - Q Plus
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