
About CREC   chat bubble

Established in 1966, the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC), has developed a wide array of costeffective and high-quality programs and services to meet the educational needs of children and adults in Greater Hartford. CREC is the largest of six Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) in Connecticut, and serves 35 member districts. RESCs are nonprofit, fee-for-service, public education agencies.

Benefits Overview   thumbs up icon

CREC is a place to build a career. Employees are valued professionals and CREC is committed to ensuring professional growth.

In addition to CREC schools offer:
  • Competitive salaries and benefits
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Employee Network Groups
  • Ongoing professional learning
  • New teacher coaching and mentors

Teacher Contract and Benefits Information



The CREC Teacher Residency Program is an alternate route to elementary certification program to attract educators of color. TRP includes: Two-year paid traing, Health and retirement benefits, Guaranteed position as a CREC classroom teacher upon completion.
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Magnet Schools   school icon  CREC Teacher with student

CREC pre-K through grade 12 magnet schools are leading the way in   public education with theme-based programs that provide all students with college- and careerfocused opportunities. School themes include:
  • Aerospace and Engineering
  • Arts
  • International Baccalourate
  • Montessori
  • Multiple Intelligences
  • Reggio Emilia Approach
  • STEM
  • Computer Sciences

State-of-the-art facilities and teachnology, along with cutting-edge curricula, inspire and motivate students from diverse backgrounds. CREC teachers’ careers are enhanced by frequent professional development and training opportunities to continuously develop well-rounded instructional faculty.

Teachers are encouraged to requestsupplemental funding for their own technological endeavors and experiential field trips through and the CREC Foundation’s Innovation Grants.

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Student Services   teacher at board icon

CREC Student Services offers individualized, high-quality programming for students with disabilities. Students with special needs in all of Connecticut benefit from a variety of options that support educational benefit in their least restrictive environment (LRE). Multi-disciplinary teams throughout programs in CREC Student Services work in collaboration with Local Education Agencies and families to provide uniquely specialized supports for each of our students.  Our goal is always to build the capacity of students to reach their full potential and continuous focus on LRE, including the possibility of returning to their local public schools.

Specialties include:
  • Behavioral, social, emotional, mental health supports
  • Learningchallenges
  • Early childhood
  • Social Work/Psychology
  • Audiology
  • Education of the deaf and hard of hearing
  • Transition planning and services
  • Autism
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