Grades 9-12

A CREC Education

CREC Schools cultivate scholars through rigorous core curricula and uniquely designed and personalized educational programming that is enhanced by the latest technology. CREC’s students must demonstrate proficiency with essential knowledge and skills in core content areas and develop the thinking and learning skills to be academically, socially and emotionally prepared for lifelong learning and global citizenship.

Students at CREC actively engage in their learning by making judgments, analyzing, synthesizing and making connections between the disciplines and the world around them. In each content area, students deepen their learning and  develop essential skills for college and career including communication and collaboration; creativity and innovation; critical thinking and problem solving; and self-direction and resourcefulness.  

The CREC curricula is grounded in the knowledge that students of the 21st century live in a unique educational environment marked by access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools, and the ability and opportunity to contribute to society in a multitude of ways. In response to an ever-changing market, technology is seamlessly infused into each aspect of the curricula. In line with the standards set by the International Society for Technology in Education, students develop research and information fluency, digital citizenship, and an understanding of technology operations and concepts. 

Throughout each content area and course offering, CREC students are encouraged to achieve at the highest levels possible and are provided numerous opportunities to extend their learning and pursue individual interests and passions.

The table below shows the minimum graduation requirements for all CREC schools. In addition to the areas of learning addressed here, each school offers unique thematic course requirements. Click on the link to the left for the Program of Studies for a particular school to view their offerings and requirements.

Graduation Requirements 

Class of 2025 and 2026

(25 total credits)

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

  •  4 Mathematics
  •  3 Laboratory Sciences
  •  2 STEM Electives



  •  4 English
  •  3 Social Studies, including
    •  0.5 Civics
  •  1 Fine Art
  •  1 Humanities Elective


Fitness, Health, and Safety

  •  1 Physical Education and Wellness
  •  1 Health and Safety Education


World Languages


Mastery Based Examination


Open Electives


Graduation Requirements 

Class of 2027 and thereafter

(25.5 total credits)

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

  •  4 Mathematics
  •  3 Laboratory Sciences
  •  2 STEM Electives



  •  4 English
  •  3 Social Studies, including
    •  0.5 Civics
  •  1 Fine Art
  •  1 Humanities Elective


Fitness, Health, and Safety

  •  1 Physical Education and Wellness
  •  1 Health and Safety Education


Financial Literacy


World Languages


Mastery Based Examination


Open Electives


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