Grade 5 Social Studies

What your child will learn and do in Grade 5 Social Studies

In grade five, students are introduced to American History.  Students will investigate the events that impacted the establishment of the United States beginning with early exploration and first contact and culminating with a study of the American Revolution and the establishment of the American nation. Throughout the course, an  emphasis is placed on the role of geography and its impact on the settlements of new lands and the presence of different cultures in the New World. Additionally, students will investigate history from multiple perspectives, including that of indigenous peoples, European colonists, and that of slaves and indentured servants.  Students will also review the importance of the creation of ruling documents; the emergence of independence and the blending of different cultures. Teachers may often integrate this learning into their reading and writing units, using age appropriate texts nonfiction and historical fiction to support student learning This introduction to history and key historical concepts will help to prepare them for middle school Social Studies. Activities in these areas include:

  • Reviewing and analyzing primary sources such as letters, journals, engravings, political cartoons, maps and documents.  

  • Participating in inquiries about differing perspectives of groups and individuals during the same historical time period

  • Developing narrative, opinion, and argument writing about history, economics, civics and geography.

  • Engaging in community and civic engagement through the opportunity to participate in the Connecticut Kid Governor (CKG) program

  • Identifying various historical figures and structures that impacted Colonial settlement (e.g. Mayflower, Williamsburg, Plymouth, Colonies and Native Americans)

  • Analyzing the process for making and implementing law

  • Explaining how colonization affected Native Americans and settlers

  • Discussing the rights and responsibility of CT citizens, past and present

  • Comparing and contrasting settlements and geographical areas, past and present

  • Reading texts about history and social studies, and answering text-based questions about what they learned

  • Analyzing and synthesizing information from various sources  

  • Presenting on a researched topic using multimedia resources

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Make your child aware of current events. Discuss current events and encourage your child to watch the news and/or read the newspaper.

  • Visit local sites, specifically important CT landmarks (Windsor Historical Society, Noah Webster House, CT state capitol, Hartford Public Library, Wadsworth, Mark Twain House, Old State House) to help increase your child’s exposure to new knowledge, vocabulary and historical background information. 

  • Have your child verbally explain his/her project to you or practice the presentation the night before it is due

  • Share family traditions, stories, and culture with your child. Encourage your child to interview family members such as grandparents to learn family history.  

  • Use real-life opportunities to develop understanding of geography concepts and map skills.

  • Encourage service and responsibility. Either through school or as a family, your child can experience providing service to others and/or being a responsible citizen through community giving.  


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