Reading and Writing
Social Studies
Tools and Work
Unit 1: Getting to Know the Tools Around Us
Students will explore tools through a series of “tool challenges.” They are asked which tool is best for the job and learn through read-alouds about people from around the world who use specific tools for certain tasks. Through their learning, they construct a definition of tools.
Skills Block:
Reading and spelling one syllable words with two or three sounds
Unit 1: Adding, Subtracting, and Working with Data
Students will add and subtract within 10, and represent data.
Unit 1: Communicating with Light and Sound
Students will be exploring how light and sound work together to communicate a message.
Unit 1: Ourselves in Our Community (Civics)
Students learn about being a good citizen in different communities in which they live.
Unit 2: Learning About Habits of Character
Students will engage in close read-alouds and consider the habits of character that help make work easier and solve dilemmas.
Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Story Problems
Students will solve new types of story problems within 10 using the relationship between addition and subtraction. They will develop an understanding of the meaning of the equal sign and connect story problems to equations.
Unit 3: Creating a Magnificent Things
Students will use their classroom tools and habits of character to collaboratively create a “magnificent thing” for their classroom.
Unit 2: Patterns of the Sun and Moon
Students will be exploring shadows in order to observe patterns in the position of the sun. They will also investigate the moon and observe its pattern over time, understanding how shadows affect its appearance.
Unit 2: Characteristics of Our Community (Geography)
Students learn about and examine maps, explore natural and man-made geographical features, and discover how climate, weather, and environment influence our community.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
Unit 1: Exploring the Sun, Moon, and Stars Through Story
Students will study the sun, moon, and stars through various narrative texts and begin to understand how and why the sun, moon, and stars inspire authors. Students will be responding to texts through role-play and written response.
Skills Block:
Reading and spelling one-syllable, short vowel words with two or three sounds as well as words with consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words (i.e., flap, pond); high-frequency words
Unit 3: Adding and Subtracting within 20
Students will add and subtract within 20. Students will apply the properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Unit 2: A Study of the Patterns of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
Students focus their study on the science concepts of observable patterns in the sky as they relate to the sun, moon, and stars. They track their observations of the sun, moon, and starts in pictures and videos in a Sky notebook.
Unit 3: Using Observations of the Sun to Write Narrative Poems
Students will explore a narrative poem for both content and author’s craft. They will then use their understanding from throughout the module to compose their own narrative poem.
Unit 4: Numbers to 99
Students will develop an understanding of place value for numbers up to 99. They will represent numbers in different ways and compare two two-digit numbers based on place value understanding.
Birds' Amazing Bodies
Unit 1: Building Background Knowledge About Birds
Students will build background knowledge about birds through texts to be able to answer the guiding question, “What makes a bird a bird?”
Skills Block:
Reading and spelling one syllable words with a long vowel sound in the middle and silent -e at the end (i.e, take), different syllable types, reading two syllable words, high-frequency words
Unit 3: Learning From Nature Through Our Senses
Students will be exploring the structures and functions of plants and animals.
Unit 3: Connecting the Past and the Present (History)
Students compare how we live today to how we lived in earlier times.
Unit 2: Birds’ Bodies
Students will participate in both whole group and small group research to learn more about the form and function of key bird parts: beaks and feathers. They demonstrate their learning through writing an informational paragraph.
Unit 5: Adding within 100
Students will use place value understanding and properties of operations to add within 100.
Unit 3: Building Expertise about Birds’ Bodies
Students continue their research to learn how a bird’s key parts help them survive in their habitat. They create Expert Bird Riddle cards and Expert Bird Scientific Drawing cards for a matching game.
Caring for Birds
Unit 1: Stories of Bird Helpers
Students will explore “Why should we care about birds?” through the reading of a variety of literature with characters who care for birds.
Skills Block:
Vowel spelling patterns, vowel teams, spelling two syllable words; high-frequency words
Unit 6: Measuring Length
Students will measure length and count up to 120 length units. They will solve addition and subtraction problems with unknown numbers in all positions.
Unit 4: Seasons Change and So Does Nature
Students will be expanding their work from Unit 2 and Unit 3 to explore how offspring may or may not be exactly like their parents and how the parental response to their offspring’s behavior help in their survival.
Unit 4: Our Needs as a Community (Economics)
Students learn about earning and using money for goods and services in their home, school, and community.
Unit 2: The Story of Pale Male
Students will learn about writing about opinions as they investigate a specific bird. They read about people’s differing opinions and then write their own opinions in response to the evidence they gather.
Unit 3: Caring for Birds
Students will learn about some of the problems birds face more generally and what humans can do to help them live and grow. They also learn about the myriad ways birds are helpful to plants, other animals, and people.
Unit 7: Geometry and Time
Students will reason with shapes and their attributes, partition shapes into equal pieces, and tell time to the hour and half-hour.
Unit 8: Putting it all Together
Students will consolidate and solidify their understanding of the major skills of the grade. They will also continue to work toward fluency of addition and subtraction within 10.